Bernards Tours i Marigot

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Res les Surettes, Marigot 97150, St Martin
Kontakter telefon: +1 954-376-6582
Latitude: 18.066537, Longitude: -63.07388
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Kommentar 5

  • Danielle Spinden

    Danielle Spinden


    Bernard's Tours offer a great way to see all what SMX has to offer. We visited the island on a cruise and heard a few recommendations to do the Bernard's Tour. We got a taste of the French and Dutch side and see the reconstruction of the island. Visiting the iguanas was cool and the beach we swam in was breathtaking. I enjoyed shopping the French capital and picking up spices for the family back home. My boyfriend loved Majo Beach and seeing even just the small planes land and take-off. The Mailman gave us a beautiful tour of the island. He is very knowledgeable and had a ton of fun facts about the island and the hurricane. It was amazing to see what happened to the island, but more importantly how the people are preserving and rebuilding. Mailman was a ton of fun and I would sign up for another tour with him and Bernard's Tours the next time we visit SXM!

  • Ka eN

    Ka eN


    Der perfekte Tag auf St. Maarten. Die Tour ist sehr schön gestaltet und kann bei Anfrage auch auf Deutsch durchgeführt werden. Der Badeaufenthalt ist ausreichend lang und reicht um Grand Case zu genießen. Absolute Empfehlung !

  • Lisa Davis

    Lisa Davis


    Selected this tour outside of cruise ship port purchases..which was cheaper to do. The tour was a stop at shopping and 2 beaches as well as feeding iguanas. The tour was well done by the guide Mailman. He pointed out the devastation that hurricane Irma caused to the island as well as the reasons as to why the Dutch side and French side had different levels of repair. The stop at Sunset beach was not memorable since the airport was not operational and only one commercial plane landed. The tour included water, soda, beer and Mail man's homemade rum punch...drink carefully. In total the tour was 9:30 to 3:30, which was enough time to get back to the cruise ship.

  • Abraham Wong

    Abraham Wong


    Used them twice. The more expensive tour #2 is the one to go with. Recommended by Cruise critics users and myself.

  • G. D'Souza

    G. D'Souza


    Really loved the tour. Very well be organized and the guides were very friendly. We took this tour instead of the shore excursion from our cruise ship. We saw a variety of sights and were able to enjoy a nice beach.

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