A Touch of Handz i Marigot

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LLS Scott, Agrement, 97150, Marigot, MF Saint Martin
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-522-8377
Hjemmeside: atouchofhandz.com
Latitude: 18.067916, Longitude: -63.085196
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Kommentar 5

  • Bonnie Knoth

    Bonnie Knoth


    Saw good reviews of Brian online and called yesterday to book an appointment for this morning. He showed up on time at my hotel with everything he needed including music. Brian was amazing. He has beautiful strong soft hands and put care into every stroke and movement. It was blissful. I highly recommend Brian. I might book with him again before I leave. 😊

  • jarek brown

    jarek brown


    I set my wife up with a massage on the beach before we left the island. Best investment. Wife love it. Best massage she has ever had. Hands down will be using him again when I come to island. Professional!

  • Dale T

    Dale T


    The near 100 5* reviews say it all! What can I add? I have had massages in 20 plus countries and he is right up there! I could go on but it would be repetitive. They are amazing!

  • Jo Sanford

    Jo Sanford


    My husband and I had a couple message done and I have to commend Brian for doing such a phenomenal job. I felt relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated. We were delighted with the level of professionalism which was displayed along with all the extras which accompanied the service. We will use the service again and would certainly recommend Brian from #Touch of Hands. God bless your hands and continue to do wonders . We love the way we feel.. Thank you again.

  • Linda Bly

    Linda Bly


    My husband and I have been clients of Brian for several years, and there are many reasons that we are repeat customers. Brian has an engaging and personable manner. He always makes you feel relaxed and at ease. His massage is the best—you can actually feel the stress flow out of your body. We have had many massages by other people but none compare to his. As I said, Brian is the best! Do we recommend him? Definitely! Book your massage with A Touch of Handz!👍

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