This school has completely ruined my husbands life. He was finishing his rotations in Chicago and went to sign up to take his boards and found out that this school was loosing their accreditation with the US. He completely finished his schooling but they would not put MD behind his name!! He had a certain number of days to take his boards and pass. He missed by 1 question! We still have to pay all the student loans which has made our life impossible! My husband is incredibly smart and should be able to at least do consults but works as a pharmacy tech instead!!
Lydia Pribble
::This school has completely ruined my husbands life. He was finishing his rotations in Chicago and went to sign up to take his boards and found out that this school was loosing their accreditation with the US. He completely finished his schooling but they would not put MD behind his name!! He had a certain number of days to take his boards and pass. He missed by 1 question! We still have to pay all the student loans which has made our life impossible! My husband is incredibly smart and should be able to at least do consults but works as a pharmacy tech instead!!
Tay Souza
::Life is built for you. Designing our life today is the future.
Dan Fial
::thanya assumpçao m pimenta
::Meu filho faz medicina nesta facul...