American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine i Sint Maarten

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Jordan Drive, Sint Maarten, SX Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 305-446-0600
Latitude: 18.0508472, Longitude: -63.1268185
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Kommentar 5

  • lalit bharti

    lalit bharti


    So nice..... 😊 😊 😊

  • Dr. Shaun Jayakar

    Dr. Shaun Jayakar


    Great medical school. Learned alot.

  • Iqra Taimoor Nawabi

    Iqra Taimoor Nawabi


    Unprofessional Staff & School! Do not attend this school!

  • Meisam mahmoudi

    Meisam mahmoudi


    It's a good school. Statistically the USMLE scores for the students are in par with those of the US. It is definitely #1 in the Caribbean. I know of many students that are performing much better than the students in the US medical schools. There are professors from everywhere which gives you insight into different healthcare systems and approaches to medicine. The big downside is the cost of living on the island.

  • Ja Ka

    Ja Ka


    Yes…the school isn't perfect. But it gives opportunities to some people who may have fallen on some hard times and/or bad luck during undergraduate shoaling. For all the schmucks who generalize that "this is where all the flunkies go" to get a medical education…grow up. Are you really going to trust a review by one of these types of people? There are good doctors from this school…and there are bad doctors from this school. There are good doctors from Harvard…there are bad doctors from Harvard. The generalization goes on and on. This is the same for anywhere one works, whether it be WalMart, a grocery store, a mechanic…there are always bad apples in the bunch. Please…enough of the 'this is where flunkies go' type comments. Do something constructive with your life.

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