Cabinet dentaire des Caraïbes - Dentistes et Orthodontistes i Marigot

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4 Rue de la République, Marigot 97150, St Martin
Kontakter telefon: +33 5 90 29 21 01
Latitude: 18.068983, Longitude: -63.085264
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Kommentar 1

  • 1wldboy



    I had a terrible toothache. I was referred to Dr ESPANA by a friend. I phoned the clinic previously and was told by the receptionist that I can come in in the morning When arriving at the published address the signs were posted but the door was closed I phoned after searching for fifteen minutes in order to inquire the location. It turned out that the moved to accross the street around the other side of the building if the previous location Upon arrival, the receptionist had me provide her with my personal details. The she asked me to follow her into a room where she, herself took x-rays. I was ten told to wait in the waiting room until one of the dentists call me. Since I was expecting to be seen by Dr ESPANA, naturally I asked who is the other dentist The receptionist did not say a name but just said its a lady. I asked what are the credentials and experience of "lady' dentist. The receptionist responded that she doesn't know and that I should ask the dentist myself Soon after, I was called in to see the dentist I was greeted by a lady who appeared very young. I'm fifty. I asked her if she us the dentist? She said yes and quickly she led me into her surgery room which was attended by two other ladies wearing mouth masks She didn't introduce herself at all. I didn't yet k ow her name? I said to her that she looks so young and I asked her how long has she been a dentist. She got irate and told me that she doesn't want to treat me I asked her why She said that it is not nice for me to ask her a bout her experience I find this bizarre As a flight instructor and pilot I always get asked of my credentials and experience and have pride in it as well as always reassure my passengers that they are in my good care I tried to explain that to her that it is nothing personal but she arrogantly wouldn't hear and asked me to wait for Dr ESPANA . I was sitting in the waiting room and suddenly the receptionist called me over and asked me to pay 30€ for the x-ray. I told her that I am still waiting for the doctor to view them and see me She told me Dr ESPANA would not see me because I questioned the lady dentist. I believe her name is CERRO.. I reminded the receptionist that it was she who told me to ask the dentist myself. Then she asked me to leave I asked her if I may speak with Dr ESPANA She said no. I tried to explain to her that I want to pay for my x-ray but also want the doctors opinion. She then said that the doctor is occupied.I politely said thst I am willing to wait. She then got feisty and said that I should leave. The doctor ESPANA never came out and hid inside in a cowardly fashion. There were two other patients in the waiting room who both remarked that I am in the right The receptionist called the police. When they arrived they asked and I explained. She then told them that they don't want me to pay so I left and went to another Dentist officraccross the street called SXM CABINET DENTAIRE who were very professional, the receptionist reassured me by answering all my questions. Dr SANCHEZ is great. When going to à professional, it is common for the professional to display licenses and certificats and or for at least the receptionist to know and tell about the professionals providing services to the public Do not go

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