Cannegie Liquor Store i Philipsburg

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64B, Voorstraat, Philipsburg, SX Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-542-2397
Latitude: 18.023782, Longitude: -63.046089
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Kommentar 3

  • Melanie Choisy

    Melanie Choisy


    This Liquor store is more than just a place that sells alcohol and cigars. Cannegie is a place with lots of history, open for more than 50 years and th first liquor store of its kind on the Dutch side of the island. The traditional wooden-style building sits charmingly between two modern structures in the heart of Philipsburg, just steps away from the monumental, pineapple-topped Courthouse.

  • Diederick Cannegieter

    Diederick Cannegieter


    I can recall when a bottle of Beefeater Gin was sold for $1.50 US and it was actually cheaper than Windex window cleaner back in 1963 This is a funny one I once saw this cleaning lady polishing a sliding glass door of the then Little Bay hotel, I said to her what are you doing washing windows with GIN? She said it's cheaper than Windex and it gives a better shine. So there.

  • Giovanni Choisy

    Giovanni Choisy


Nærmeste Vinhandel:

GULMOHAR'S (Whisky Paradise)

76 Voorstraat, Philipsburg
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Guavaberry Emporium

Front Street 8, Philipsburg
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