Caribbean Gems i Philipsburg

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40, Voorstraat, Philipsburg, SX Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-542-2176
Latitude: 18.0231789, Longitude: -63.0445211
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Kommentar 5

  • Tina Burke

    Tina Burke


    Amit was amazing! We are on a cruise celebrating 30 years of marriage. I was looking for Tanzanite and Amit brought us to their second store when the first didn't have exactly what I wanted. He was so helpful and gave us a fantastic price. He wanted us to have a tangible memory of our last port. He said to enjoy the next 30! Thank you!

  • Rob Stern

    Rob Stern


    We've been on several cruises and every time we stop on St. Maarten, we stop by to see Rajesh at the store. He is always courteous and gives us the best prices, be it loose stones, rings, bracelets or necklaces. We've appraised some of the jewelry on returning to Canada and its consistently been appraised significantly higher than what we have paid. Love the shop and the small friendly atmosphere.. Definitely worth stopping by.

  • Pat Lynch

    Pat Lynch


    A very nice selection of men's & women's jewelry and watches. Friendly & trustworthy staff. Good prices.

  • G G

    G G


    We and our family have dealt with Max at Caribbean Gems for more than 20 years. We have always had excellent customer experiences. They have an extensive selection of jewelry at extremely attractive pricing. We highly recommend them.

  • Jason Johnson

    Jason Johnson


    I can't say enough good things about Raj and the team at Caribbean Gems. They are super patient, they have great stuff and fantastic pricing. We go every year and they are one of the places we stop at every time. They treat us like family.

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