Holland House Beach Hotel Hotel i Philipsburg

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43 Voorstraat 45 Voorstraat, Philipsburg,, Philipsburg, Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-542-2572
Hjemmeside: www.hhbh.com
Latitude: 18.0229358, Longitude: -63.0447746
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Kommentar 5

  • Bleu {Tammy} Cherrie

    Bleu {Tammy} Cherrie


    Beautiful hotel awesome staff very secure and the food is amazing . The rooms are nice and spacious the location is great right on the boardwalk and the beach is beautiful of course.

  • Michel Dignard

    Michel Dignard


    Always very nice experience. Good food and ok priced for a touristy place.

  • Jennifer Johnson

    Jennifer Johnson


    Happy hour,Fred and friends Friday or just hanging at the bar any day HH is the place. Bar staff love them.

  • Paul Yuzvyshen

    Paul Yuzvyshen


    I was there about 3 times because I worked on the cruise ship. I paid 10$ and got a sunbed, very good wifi, 2 free drinks, changing room&shower. I think it's very good deal. The place is wonderful

  • Fabio Fontana

    Fabio Fontana


    Non ho alloggiato in questo hotel ma ho sfruttato la possibilità di usare l’attrezzatura da spiaggia (due sdraio, un ombrellone, 4 birre e wi-fi a 25$). Personale molto simpatico e struttura ben attrezzata.

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