Hôtel Mercure Saint Martin Marina & Spa i Saint-Martin

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Baie Nettle - Route des Terres Basses, Saint-Martin 97150, San Martín
Kontakter telefon: +590 590 87 54 54
Hjemmeside: www.mercure.com
Latitude: 18.061745, Longitude: -63.113529
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Kommentar 5

  • ninja noir

    ninja noir


    Seul hôtel encore opérationnel après le passage d'irma ! ! Le service 4 étoiles pas tout à fait ça ! ! Pas de brosses à dents au cas ou dans la salle de bain ! ! Mini bar vide ! !

  • Jose Luis Martinez

    Jose Luis Martinez


    Muy buen lugar

  • Matt C.

    Matt C.


    Overall, we had a very positive stay. The hotel is still in re-construction in some areas, but that was expected. Exercise room is not yet re-opened, but we did laps in the pool instead. Breakfast (which was included in the cost of our package) was very good and restaurant overlooks the Simpson Bay Lagoon. Hotel is located quite close to Marigot and 15 minutes from international airport.

  • Helen Nolan

    Helen Nolan


    We stayed at the Mercure St. Martin two years in a row before the hurricane. Our room was lovely and clean both times, location was great and the view was beautiful. The menu at the restaurant was a bit limited but we were not treating it like an all inclusive. We didn’t expect to eat all our meals there. The staff was all helpful, friendly and courteous. I am surprised by the less than stellar comments about that. I just want to add that we were really heartsick for the staff and local residents who were so devastated by the hurricane. I’m so happy to see the Mercure is up and running again! We will be back!!

  • Sol Trotta

    Sol Trotta


    Estuvimos 3 noches, nos limpiaron la habitacion solo 1. no repusieron shampoo y crema de enjuague, fuimos a pedir y solo.nos dieron shampoo (decian q ellos no usaban crema de enjuague (?)). El desayuno es normal. La piscina no es climatizada. No se destacan por la buena atencion general, pero tuve la.misma impresión con todos los habitantes de la.isla. una pena!

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