Kali's Bar i Collectivity of Saint Martin

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St. Martin
Kontakter telefon: +590 690 72 53 99
Latitude: 18.0931242, Longitude: -63.0752158
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Kommentar 5

  • Lauren M

    Lauren M


    Just visited last week. Great service and friendly staff. Restaurant and beach are OPEN. It may not be what it was before the 2017 hurricane season, but the beach and water are still beautiful.

  • Alex Graham

    Alex Graham


    Just visited the restaurante a few days ago and I’m extremely happy with my experience and highly recommend this place! Great menu with lots of options, delicious food, and the service was great. To top it off the location of the restaurant is beautiful. If you’re looking for quality food at a quality location, this is your place.

  • Christian Ermler

    Christian Ermler


    Schöner Strand und schöne Bar

  • Karen Picard

    Karen Picard


    Our favorite beach, on our favorite island! Great rum punch, excellent food and service! Comfy lounge chairs on a beautiful beach!

  • Robert Griffith

    Robert Griffith


    We paid $18 for two chairs and an umbrella for an afternoon. The gentleman helping us was very prompt and caring. He suggested a spot closer to the restaurant because it wasn't as windy. This was a GOOD call. He even made a point to get me my change later. The beach was clean. I gave him a tip as we left. We appreciated our beach accommodations : ) We only walked to the bar for drinks, which included a couple of delightful virgin pina coladas. Service was prompt and the bar staff professional. We were happy to have restrooms available. They were unisex, which was a little different for people from The States. It could've been cleaner, but it was fine. The most important thing was that we enjoyed our time at the beach. For snorkeling, the water was a bit cloudy. Other than that though, it was a very satisfying destination for a relaxing afternoon on a tropical beach.

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