Little Switzerland i Philipsburg

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52, Voorstraat, Philipsburg, SX Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-542-3530
Latitude: 18.0234376, Longitude: -63.0452823
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Kommentar 3

  • matthics



    This place is VERY sketchy. If they arent selling refurbished or damaged breitlings one thing is for sure, the service after the sale is HORRIBLE. I feel like I was baited & switched so to speak, as I spend $9000 cash here and my Breitling is nowhere to be found. Here is my story: I was greeted by "Nix" a sales associate. He was nice & I purchased the watch from him, particularly excited that he would gain commission over other sales people. Not going to spend much time on this aspect as it isnt as important as what happened afterwards... Within days of purchasing the watch the subdial that controls the "hours" of the chronograph started to reset past the zero. After an email saying it may reset on its own it started to get even worse. I contacted Nix and he told me I needed to send the watch from Philadelphia to Saint Marteen in the MAIL!! I said wait what?! "This watch is days old!! You sold me on this watch on the confidence of the genuine breitling service all across the world anywhere I went, and now you want it back less than 2 weeks after I purchase?" Keep in mind you can find all these watches in perfect condition for 50-60% of the price online through reputable dealers or at your local used jewler. The reason you buy new is to deal with issues like this correctly. I grudgingly sent my days old watch to sxm August 3rd. I was told this was the quickest way as other services in Philadelphia would according to little sweden take 5-6 weeks and they could turn it around in 2-3 weeks max. It has been 23 days, and I have since recieved 2 emails from Rose at little sweden who took over the return. I have sent 5-6 emails as well as called and now all I get is an autoreply email saying Rose is out of office. This is now how a luxury watch purchase should go. Please learn from me. If anyone at breitling see's this please help! Curtis matthias Little Switzerland / Jewels Return Authorization CRM/00112421

  • Deborah Pagel

    Deborah Pagel


    We were here in the summer. Now we are back again in December. This has been our favorite Lil Switzerland store and will always be! Basically, we come to St. Marten every year! LITTLE SWITZERLAND WILL WORK WITH YOU! THANK YOU and a SHOUT OUT to ANDREA and MARIE! My gemstone ETERNITY RING is fabulous! I am still in tears.

  • Alexis Gonzalez

    Alexis Gonzalez


    Expensive. Employees too pushy.

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