Loterie Farm i St Martin

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Rue du Pic Paradis, 97150, St Martin, MF Saint Martin
Kontakter telefon: +590 690 28 84 66
Hjemmeside: www.loteriefarm.com
Latitude: 18.078468, Longitude: -63.062381
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Kommentar 5

  • Donovan Smith

    Donovan Smith


    Great place, beautiful environment and the vibe can be like a mini st Tropez sometimes depending on the event. The hiking here is also amazing.

  • Randy Silberman

    Randy Silberman


    Helpful friendly people. Went for the zip line adventure. Very strenuous ND well kept up. The staff went out of their way to provide me with additional assistance throughout my visit.

  • Gishdiver



    Such a beautiful escape from the hectic port & shopping areas. The grounds are lush & stunning views around. My husband & son did the zip line while I sipped on a cocktail by the pool. They’re coming along beautifully after the storm. So glad we decided to visit!

  • Dian Facto

    Dian Facto


    Such a interesting find. Not what you would expect to find in St Martin. Just stayed for lunch. Very good.

  • Mill Spring

    Mill Spring


    Love this peaceful Farm. Great service. The hiking trail to the top is challenging but the view is worth seeing. We had fun with Kim on the obstacle-zip line course, more like a ninja worrier challenge with zip lining. GREAT food and excellent bar.

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