Megaplex 7 i Cole Bay

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69, Welfare Road, Cole Bay, SX Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-544-4777
Latitude: 18.0292576, Longitude: -63.0867441
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Kommentar 5

  • Keith Afric

    Keith Afric


    Easy to use and it's one of the best

  • Fausto Mercalina

    Fausto Mercalina


    Nice movie place, temporary close afhter hurricane Irma.

  • danielle powell

    danielle powell


    Film theater has a beautiful environment with most of the latest movies

  • Maarten Everaerts

    Maarten Everaerts


    The only thing colder than the continuous blowing ac, is the look you get from the popcorn ladies if you dare to disturb their get-together by having the audacity to order something. The sound quality is terrible, mostly because you can't hear anything over the sound of rage inducing squeeking chairs and the popcorn is as salty as the staff's attitude (which is ok if you like it Dead Sea style) . I would rather sit out a 10 hour flight with the same Adam Sandler movie on repeat, than spend another dime at this dump.

  • Daniel Jaramillo

    Daniel Jaramillo


    Most of the time no competition makes a place lazy on their customer attention. Not in this case. Great place to watch movies

Nærmeste Biograf:

Centre Culturel de Saint Martin ( MJC-SG)

79 Rue de Sandy Ground, Sandy Ground
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