Octopus Diving and Snorkeling i Grand-Case

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3, Rue de la Petit Plage, 97150, Grand-Case, MF San Martín
Kontakter telefon: +33 6 90 73 23 06
Hjemmeside: www.octopusdiving.com
Latitude: 18.105799, Longitude: -63.052897
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Kommentar 5

  • Peter Zwerver

    Peter Zwerver


    I had a nice boat ride to Creole Rock and Turtle Rock. They give diving lessons, but I went just for a snorkel trip. The water was clear and calm, so I got to see some nice coral and fish. The snorkel guides were very friendly and managed to find me a turtle, stingray and an octopus as well..:)

  • Roger Emmick

    Roger Emmick


    My wife and I finished our open water certifications with Octopus Diving. The place is locally owned, professional, concerned with safety and consists of a tight team of friendly divers! Chris, the owner, ensured my wife and I understood and could adequately perform the required tasks to obtain our certification. They know the best areas to dive which consisted of a mix of coral sites and ship wreck sites. Top notch experience. When traveling back to St. Maarten I will definitely rebook with this company. Thanks Chris, Vanessa, Pepe and Emma!! I'm glad I was able to share my first open water dives and post certification dives with Octopus Diving!!

  • Anne-Marie Mekhael

    Anne-Marie Mekhael


    What an amazing experience and team! While getting my open water certificate, I had so much trouble with one of the skills - the removal of the mask underwater. In fact, I was terrified of doing it and struggled with each attempt. Despite that, Frank was incredibly patient and supportive. He made me feel as ease and I ended up succeeding thanks to him on the last dive! Thank you to the whole team and especially Frank for the learning and support. I am Diver for life thanks to you.

  • Greg Christian

    Greg Christian


    Wow! What a First Class operation! From beginning to end, every detail was perfect. I took my 2 sons who dive and my wife and her parents who don't and they had us set up for diving and snorkeling at the same time in really cool places. My mother-in-law got a little motion sick and they took her back to dock with no problems and we went back out for another dive. Tiff was a great Dive Master, showing us a couple of really cool reef spots. She gave us like 5 to 6 different dive choices to choose from and we picked 2 and they were both amazing. We saw all kinds of fish, lobster, stingray, Baracuda, Octopus, Shark, Sea turtles and much more. Great job guys! Thank you Greg/ Park City Utah

  • Lona Crabb

    Lona Crabb


    Fantastic Snorkeling Tour! Booked a trip on Thursday, March 2, 2017 at 1 PM. The staff are extremely friendly and knowledgeable. Captain Chris, from the UK, was a wonderful host and even threw in a bit of that ole dry English humor - much appreciated :-) In addition to a wonderful snorkeling experience, Chris gave us a guided tour of the harbor, pointing out some very interesting spots and wonderful yachts. Thanks so much for making our day GREAT!! Highly recommend!!

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