Parotte Ville i Sint Maarten

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Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +590
Latitude: 18.0525846, Longitude: -63.0392373
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Kommentar 5

  • Gert Steyn

    Gert Steyn


    A fun day feeding the birds. Very informative tour is conducted.

  • Rachel Gelabale

    Rachel Gelabale


    It was fun. And our tour guider was awesome

  • Villa Oyster Pearl

    Villa Oyster Pearl


    What to do on a slightly overcast Saturday. The kids have enjoyed Dawn Beach, Ance Marcel and Orient. Every morning they have had early morning swims and play time in the Pool at Villa Oyster Pearl. Now we need a distraction... Parotte Ville! First time for me and it was a couple of hours well spent and so much fun. We were each given a tub of bird seed, not that we needed food to entice our new friends to climb all over us. BE WARNED the birds will interact with you. Landing on hats heads shoulders arms and testing foot ware as well!! Originally posted on Villa Oyster Pearl Facebook page 10 June 2017

  • Stephanie Watson

    Stephanie Watson


    A must do when visiting St. Maarten. $10 gets you admission, tour and seeds to feed the birds. The birds are very friendly and the tour is very informative. There is also a tour of the mini museum they have on sight. Great information on the history of the Island.

  • JP Colgan

    JP Colgan


    This is a delightful place to visit for young and old. Before entering the aviary you are given a little pot of seeds, and once inside the birds will swoop down and start to feed. The owner, George, has done a wonderful job setting up the aviary, and is a wonderful tour guide. 

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