Princess Juliana International Airport i Simpson Bay

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Airport Road, Simpson Bay, SX Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-546-7542
Latitude: 18.0418698, Longitude: -63.1130821
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Kommentar 5

  • satgurucar decor

    satgurucar decor


    Veey nice airport, just right beside the sea

  • Donna Grippa

    Donna Grippa


    What a horrible experience at St.Maarten airport. Do yourself a favor and stay away for at least 5 years. No a/c . Tents are set up for arrival. Port-a-potty for toilets (there was a horrible smell ) plus 3 hr delays. The terminal building was badly damaged. Get ready for tent city. Good luck

  • Laura Soler

    Laura Soler


    I think is the best airport I've been. Quiet, everything is easy, and the view of course is amazing !

  • Romain Debordeaux

    Romain Debordeaux


    As of late November 2017 the main terminal is still closed. However flight are coming in and out of the airport. Service is reliable and fast. Everyone is very professional. We did not check luggage and went straight through customs and immigration.

  • Rather LiveInKeyWest

    Rather LiveInKeyWest


    Very nice short field airport. Landing and taking off here is always an interesting experience. Staff is courteous. The place is kept nicely clean. Car rental facilities are easy to get to. Once there, take a couple hours and go to the beach by the airport to get the experience of the huge jets coming in right overhead. Crazy! Have been going to St. Martin for many years and have experience arrival and departure in many different aircraft, including 747s. Wow!

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