Privilege Resort i Anse Marcel

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Rue de l'anse Marcel, 97150, Anse Marcel, MF Saint Martin
Kontakter telefon: +590
Latitude: 18.1082134, Longitude: -63.0397816
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Kommentar 4

  • Sylvain Collette

    Sylvain Collette


    Tres belle place super 👍

  • patrice nayrac

    patrice nayrac


  • Pedro Sanchez

    Pedro Sanchez


  • Eric le Blan

    Eric le Blan


    Very different from what you usually find. This is more like a home from home. You can reach your room straight from your car (car is essential) and be as visible or invisible as you wish. The location is excellent, far from the noise of the large hotels (though the hill is very steep AND it is incorrectly located on Google maps: correction to 18°06'29.3"N 63°02'23.2"W has been sent in early January) . You have access to a beach with some loungers, but beware that they can be used by anyone and are not maintained properly; the local water-sport facility even rents them. We pointed it to the owner who very kindly paid for loungers at the private Anse Marcel Beach, which we also highly recommend. The greatest value of the place is the owner, who is very keen to help in any way. I strongly recommend that you get her to organise your needs, being restaurants or beaches, as you will get much better looked after. She looked after us for a reservation at Calmos Cafe - a must in Grand Case - and were treated like kings as a result. Same thing if you want to charter a boat. Rooms are spacious, the plumbing has been redone though - strangely - the taps and similar hardware was not refurbished at the same time. You can go anytime for a coffee at the reception (which is really a large patio) though it would have been good to have a Nespresso machine or a kettle in the room. In fact, this is glaringly missing as everything else is there and my only negative comment. You may not find anyone around in the evening (yes, IT IS that sort of place) but the owner is always one phone call away if you need anything.

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