Seven Marine Boat Charters i Porto Cupecoy

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Rhine Rd Porto Cupecoy Marina, Porto Cupecoy, Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 954-613-9655
Latitude: 18.0529312, Longitude: -63.1348083
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Kommentar 5

  • Neil Clarke

    Neil Clarke


    Awesome boats and amazing service, Capt Michal and the team look after everything you need.

  • Radek Lobi

    Radek Lobi


    Best boating experience run by professionals.

  • Virginie REB

    Virginie REB


    Top Boat charter company on the island.Great access Porto Cupecoy marina,simple parking and directly in the marina.Nice clean boats and very friendly a professional stuff

  • François Cortes

    François Cortes


    Le Tour de l'ile est super ! Le bateau est très confortable : il est grand et spacieux, open bar en soft boissons, très bon lunch : Ribs Frites et ratatouille ! Début de la journée à 9h30 à Philipsburg, puis direction tintamarre island pour nager avec les tortues et les raies. Pinel island, de magnifiques plages et de la musique tout au long du voyage. Snorkeling et baignade dans une eau turquoise, et bien chaude ! ça change de la métropole… Au final on rentre à la maison avec des souvenirs pleins la tête, de jolies photos et des coups de soleil ! Très bon rapport qualité prix avec le repas inclus ! Je vous recommande cette excursion, qui sera surement l’une de vos meilleures journées pour vos prochaines vacances à St-Martin.

  • Stéphanie Peter

    Stéphanie Peter


    I cannot say enough great things about our private boat tour to Anguilla with Captain Mike!! I reserved the midnight express DD7 boat (fast, extremely stable,37' long) for my husband and I while on a cruise to St.Martin. I had always wanted to go to Anguilla and because we had great weather, trip was only 45-60 minutes. Mike took care of our customs paperwork beforehand so saved us time. ( We were on Royal Caribbean Jewel of the Seas which was absolutely fantastic!!!). We visited all the best beaches in Anguilla, did some snorkeling, and had fantastic (although little pricey) lunch at Shoal Bay East beach. We have travelled to many beautiful beaches in the world, and Anguilla had by far the best!! Mike was an absolute pleasure to spend the day with - professional, great captain, personable- had great stories, and great music. He let us customize the tour anyway we wanted. Couldn't have asked for a better boat or captain!!! We were back at ship by 3:45pm so plenty of time before it left at 5:30pm. When we return to St.Martin, I'm definitely only using Mike again for boat tour around area and to St.Barts. His wife can also give you great help with accomodations/rentals. If any questions feel free to ask!

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