Shiva's Gold & Gems i Philipsburg

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Voorstraat, Philipsburg, SX Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +590
Latitude: 18.0242477, Longitude: -63.0475026
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Kommentar 3

  • Adrienne Feuer

    Adrienne Feuer


  • Deepak Nanwani

    Deepak Nanwani


    Great staff .. lovely jewels

  • gary taylor

    gary taylor


    We have been dealing with the Alwani family, which owns both Shiva's and Trident, across from each other on Front Street, for over 25 years. We appreciate their attention, their selection and the great prices. They really specialize in upscale pieces and larger diamonds, but have a great overall selection, and they have the distinction of operating two of only three Caribbean shops recognized by the “Leading Jewelers of the World” organization. They also carry a fine lineup of watches, from $20 Casio to $500,000 Richard Milles. The family tells me that they carry a $23 – 30 Million diamond inventory.

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