St Martin Yacht Charters i Marigot, SXM FWI

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Baie De Marigot Marina Fort Louis, Marigot, SXM FWI 97150, St Martin
Kontakter telefon: +590 690 33 43 38
Latitude: 18.070229, Longitude: -63.087957
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Kommentar 2

  • Nan Carr

    Nan Carr


    we chartered a 40" catamaran for the day. it was a fabulous experience. Louik, (I think that's how he said it) was our captain. he was the BEST. we really lucked out. we had a couple of youngsters, 5&6 on the boat and he was terrific with them. at the end of the day the 5 yr old said "the best part was sitting with the captain" he also recommended a great restaurant 'the Tropicana' which was also fabulous. it was a wonderful day.

  • Scott Jacob

    Scott Jacob


    Our experience sailing from St Martin was really the best ever. Fanoula and Florence in the office were really fantastic - going way above and beyond what we are used to. The yacht was in really great shape. I guess they just don't get used as hard in St Martin as the BVIs? The restaurants and the sailing were the biggest difference though. Just exquisite meals at every stop, wonderful stores for provisioning. The French know how to truly enjoy a holiday!

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