Budget Marine i Cole Bay

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25, Waterfront Road, Cole Bay, SX Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-544-3134
Hjemmeside: www.budgetmarine.com
Latitude: 18.0316703, Longitude: -63.0843978
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Kommentar 5

  • Aryan Zijlstra

    Aryan Zijlstra


    Best marine store in the Caribbean. If you re not sure what you need, they can help you. And if they dont sell it, they can order it for you

  • Eamon Hope-Ross

    Eamon Hope-Ross


    Sometimes expensive, but the best selection of boating and marine products on the island by far. They can generally order anything you want in and the customer service really knows what they're talkign about as their staff are generally people interested in boating and fishing themselves. Also a leather-man dealer so if you have a leather-man multi tool that's damaged they can replace it for the cost of shipping!

  • Barbara Bongers

    Barbara Bongers


    We love this place.!!! Firstly they greet you with a friendly hello. They are all amazingly kind, helpful and very willing to assist. They have knowledgable staff who go out of there way to either help you find the product you are looking for instead of just pointing in a general direction . They also make sure to assist you with finding the correct product. They have absolutely everything you need, but if they don't, they will gladly inform you of where you may go to find it or order it for you. While on this island this is my go to place for all things boating. I wish they sold vegetables lol.

  • Romain Debordeaux

    Romain Debordeaux


    Good store with a wife selection of marine supplies. Prices are fair for the island. If you are from out of town they also have a free membership that gets you 10% off your purchase price. Staff is pretty helpful. There is a dinghy dock on the lagoon for easy water access. You can also tie up there and go to nearby lagoonies for happy hour.

  • Robert Strzemieczny

    Robert Strzemieczny


    Południowo-wschodnia część Simpson bay śmierdzi.

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