CADISCO i Marigot

Åben kort
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79c rue Charles Tondu - Sandy Ground, 97150, Marigot, GP
Kontakter telefon: +590 690 22 00 12
Latitude: 18.0614288, Longitude: -63.0912066
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Kommentar 5

  • Sébastien Gourdon

    Sébastien Gourdon


    Une station service. J'ai pu y regonfler un pneu

  • Marc G. MENARD

    Marc G. MENARD


    Cheapest gas station

  • Craig Nicholls

    Craig Nicholls


    Best gas prices on the island. Our 2 boats get filled here every other day. Both boats run smooth on the gas they pump here. Attendants are for the most part a happy bunch and always helpful. A little out of the way but that is a good thing or else everyone would come

  • Jan Thoelke

    Jan Thoelke


    There are several Cadisco stations to be found on Saint Martin, the French side of the island. The prices are low, but be aware that the fuel quality might be low as well, with a low Octane rating of 86. Certain cars will run rough or not at all on Cadisco fuel. The Cadisco station in Marigot, located on the waterfront on the way to Sandy Ground offers 1 to 1 for Euro/Dollar. Not so other Cadisco stations. Please ask before fueling.

  • Alessio



    Cheap gas prices

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