Grand Case Beach Club i Grand-Case

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21, Rue de la Petit Plage, 97150, Grand-Case, MF Saint Martin
Kontakter telefon: +590 590 87 51 87
Latitude: 18.1083964, Longitude: -63.0533853
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Kommentar 5

  • Ares Bellum

    Ares Bellum


    Aaaa quanto vorrei esser li !!! Provare è dir poco ,se riuscite immergetevi in questa meravigliosa esperienza ! non ho nulla da aggiungere 5 STELLE

  • David Sanchez

    David Sanchez


    Super même si habime par Irma

  • Sébastien Gourdon

    Sébastien Gourdon


    Les petits studios des derniers étages sont correctement équipés. La mer est belle. Pas vraiment de plage mais il y a moyen de bronzer. Piscine agréable. Le personnel est sympa. Facile d’y garer son véhicule. Le restaurant n’est pas mauvais, sans être exceptionnel.

  • Vane Knight

    Vane Knight


    This place is definitely hidden. It's secluded from everything else, but close enough to walk(1/2 mile) to the busier (restaurant/shops) areas. At first I was disappointed, but as the days went by it grew on me. The staff is really friendly (shout out to Rena!) and the calm and relaxing ambience really keeps you at peace and tranquil. The only downfall is the lack of food options and everything is outdated. I mean seriously, even the vending machine had 3 coke cans and a gingerale. Nothing else in there. Oh! BRING A WALL OUTLET ADAPTER! They rent it for $6 during your stay. They should honestly not charge people for an outlet adapter. I've been to other Caribbean islands nearby and they all had the same outlets we have a New York. Anyway, I would not come back here because of the lack of food options and to go anywhere you need a car or walk a long distance. The best part of this place is basically the beach and the pool.

  • Combes bernard

    Combes bernard


    cadre magnifique avec chambre vue mer. La mer est très calme dans la baie. Nous avons passer deux nuits en amoureux, c'était trop court. On reviendra lors de notre prochain séjour.

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