La Parisienne Patisserie, Boulangerie & Pizza i Collectivity of Saint Martin

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169, Rue de Sandy Ground, 97150, Collectivity of Saint Martin, MF Saint Martin
Kontakter telefon: +590 590 87 11 04
Latitude: 18.0611188, Longitude: -63.1102627
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Kommentar 5

  • Michael Kaplan

    Michael Kaplan


    A couple of years ago we spent 10 days in SM and went here every single day for brunch and our daily bread. Their pastries are excellent and sandwiches are so full of flavor. Our cruise ship put in and we rented a trike and braved the SM traffic (in the rain) to go here for lunch. Their coffee is excellent.

  • Kevan C

    Kevan C


    Little bakery and pizzeria. Good prices. Great food. We got breakfast here every morning.

  • Ken Bond

    Ken Bond


    Best patiserie that we visited. The service is 5 stars but the pastries are a 4.

  • Rather LiveInKeyWest

    Rather LiveInKeyWest


    This little bakery is just fantastic. My spouse and i liked to get up early and come here to get a great cup of coffee, cappuccino... whatever... and enjoy hot, fresh baked goods (especially the croissants) just after they come out of the oven. We got to know the family that owns the place, and they often joined us while enjoying their morning cup of coffee too. Super nice staff. Great pastries and coffees. Wonderful place to start the day.

  • Mitch C.

    Mitch C.


    Great selection of breads, party, coffee. Readable prices. Friendly staff. Near the kiting and dive shop on Nettle - nice place to enjoy a little breakfast :-)

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