Le Santal i Sandy Ground

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Rue Lady Fish, Sandy Ground, MF Saint Martin
Kontakter telefon: +590
Hjemmeside: www.lesantalrestaurantsxm.com
Latitude: 18.0597044, Longitude: -63.0994478
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Kommentar 5

  • Marc G. MENARD

    Marc G. MENARD


    On n y mange tres tres bien

  • Andrius Gudelis

    Andrius Gudelis


    Loveliest ambience you can find on the island. Stunning view, romantic music, best French food, impeccable service. Didn't give 5⭐️ only because instead of chocolate souffle which I ordered I got a Grand Marnier one, which was great btw, but for me being not being able to have any alcohol, and not knowing it was in there, could have been quiet dangerous. Mishap that can happen to anyone. So, be sure to check you are getting what you have ordered. But other that that this restaurant is number one to visit if you are in Saint Martin.

  • Ezra Silverton

    Ezra Silverton


    Food was the best we have had on the island. You definitely want a seat by the water. The decor is a little dated. But the food was incredible.

  • tom lay

    tom lay


    Went with a great group of friends. From greeting to goodbye the experience was excellent! The server, support staff and owner were a pleasure. Food was magnifique

  • Barry Freeman

    Barry Freeman


    Le Santel is about as good as it gets, in terms of outstanding, sophisticated French food and service. You'll feel like you are eating in Paris. Not big portions. Not inexpensive but worth every penny. Take a taxi or you'll get lost.

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