Le Shambala i Grand-Case

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28 Boulevard de Grand Case, Grand-Case 97150, St Martin
Kontakter telefon: +590
Latitude: 18.1041093, Longitude: -63.0547354
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Kommentar 5

  • Chris P

    Chris P


    My favorite restaurant on the island. The place is gorgeous. Very unique. Very upscale and price reflects it but it is worth it. Tables right over the water. Staff has been friendly and attentive. Can't wait to return!

  • Marc-Andre Mancuso

    Marc-Andre Mancuso


    superbe place to eat at night. good food and wine selection. Maybe a bit over price but over all very good. Service was not the best. But the manager was amazing. Seem only the waiter was bad because there not many table.

  • Kathy Mohanna

    Kathy Mohanna


    Amazing restaurant, delicious food, and the best place to watch sunset! Also delicious selection of wines!

  • Jennifer Getchell

    Jennifer Getchell


    Beautiful grounds and view. They were kind enough to serve us on Christmas Day although the bar was not open until evening. Rooms look amazing with private plunge pools. No beach but cute pool and bar area and dock for diving into the beautiful turquoise waters just offshore.

  • Vadim G

    Vadim G


    Very quite and private. Most romantic setting of all places in Grand Case. Live music. Food and service are beyond the expectations. 5 stars rating.

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