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140 Boulevard de Grand C ase, Saint-Martin 97150, St. Martin
Kontakter telefon: +590 690 66 07 65
Latitude: 18.101044, Longitude: -63.057809
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Kommentar 5

  • Karla Allen

    Karla Allen


    Had a wonderful time at the Love Hotel and Residence. Staff is absolutely amazing, rooms are great and view is breathtaking. It is our second time staying at the "Love" which has ideal accommodations for a family of four. The food and drinks are also incredible at the "Love" and we miss the cocktails (mojitos) already. Thanks again for the wonderful stay.

  • colleen vultaggio

    colleen vultaggio


    Great 2 days! Perfect room over looking beautiful beach. We loved hearing the ocean while we slept. Staff amazing, and we felt like we knew them forever! All was perfect!

  • Patty Millage

    Patty Millage


    For the price, this was a great hotel. We loved the espresso maker in the room for a crema first thing in the morning. The room and bed was spacious and clean. The best part was the bar downstairs. We spent a lot of time there enjoying the fabulous view of the beach, the fantastic bartenders and lovely ambiance.

  • Intern Ditto

    Intern Ditto


    Can't wait to come back! The staff was wonderful. The food and drinks were delicious. Rooms are clean. And the beach is beautiful. What more can you ask for.

  • Patti Williams

    Patti Williams


    We stayed at Love Residence the night before our cruise. It was lovely. It is on the ocean front that looks out to Anguilla. They have a bar/restaurant that is quite nice. Most importantly are the restaurants on that road for an evening meal. Felt like a good start to a great vacation.

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