Melange Grill St Maarten i Cole Bay

Åben kort
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Port de Plaisance, #155 Union Road, Cole Bay, Cole Bay, Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-526-4049
Latitude: 18.040248, Longitude: -63.086232
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Kommentar 5

  • jagga jhangiani

    jagga jhangiani


    Great service food ok ambience ok

  • Alain Bourqui

    Alain Bourqui


    Will better if they bring the meat rear and not already cook on the table charcoal grill. Take care ....the bill will be with 15% of charge on the price. Finally to expensive for what you get.

  • V L

    V L


    Food was amazing, great service & atmosphere.

  • Pierre-Andre Manseau

    Pierre-Andre Manseau


    Spectacular concept with the grill on the table. Food are excellent and wine list is great. Price are very reasonable. Visit is a must then you go to Casino for a good time.

  • Jim Penrose

    Jim Penrose


    This restaurant was a real gem that we actually stumbled upon during our recent visit. Service was outstanding and the food was wonderful. I don't often eat filet mignon at restaurants other than steakhouses (they usually find a way to screw it up) but this was buttery tender like at a first class steakhouse. Very nice decor. Highly recommend.

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