Sarafina's French Bakery i Marigot

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Rue de l'Anguille, Marigot, MF Saint Martin
Kontakter telefon: +33 5 90 29 74 32
Latitude: 18.0668523, Longitude: -63.086518
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Kommentar 5

  • Jim Baggio

    Jim Baggio


    OMG.......... I cant describe how good these pasties are. The comination of Caribbean fruit and french pastries are one of a kind! If you go to this Island you must make a stop here.

  • Harrison Reed

    Harrison Reed


    One of the best bakeries on the island. I hope they reopen soon! My go to spot to grab a sandwich to go.

  • Christian Peper

    Christian Peper


    Good coffee, terrible cappuccino. Always busy with tourists. Awesome bread selection, can't go wrong there. Also serves omelets and eggs, just order it. Home-made ice cream. Great pastries selection. Delicious!

  • Craig Yarrish

    Craig Yarrish


    Stopped by for a quick snack during our tour of the island. The group enjoyed almond croissants, iced coffee and chocolate ice cream. All were excellent.

  • Andy Bennett

    Andy Bennett


    Visited while touring the island. The food was amazing. We had sandwiches and dessert which were great. The line looked long, but moved very quickly. Service was prompt for our hot food as well.

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