Le Sand Beach i Saint Martin

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LE SAND restaurant - beach - bar, Baie Nettlé, route de Terres Basses, Saint Martin 97150, St Martin
Kontakter telefon: +590 690 73 14 38
Latitude: 18.066049, Longitude: -63.115867
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Kommentar 5

  • Eugene James

    Eugene James


    Love it great food service and music. A must for a great family luncheon on Sundays

  • Teresa T

    Teresa T


    Came here for an early lunch with mom and enjoyed the seafood. Staff is friendly and welcoming and allowed us to sit anywhere we liked. They currently have two different specials: one that is entrée & dessert and the other was appetizer, entrée, & dessert. Prices are reasonable and the beach view is gorgeous. This place is family-friendly. Tips are cash-only.

  • Ken Bond

    Ken Bond


    Service was very friendly. Ambiance was fantastic with beach view and the live music. Fixed price menu was the best value of any restaurant we visited.

  • Rather LiveInKeyWest

    Rather LiveInKeyWest


    My spouse and I have visited St. Martin several times and love the island, its people, the beaches and, of course, the food. Baie Nettle (Nettle Bay) beach is is nice beach to visit and it is very close to places to get something to eat and drink. More people here than on the pother beaches we frequent more often, but it is a nice place to go. Access is easy from Le Sand. First time we came to the beach we actually stayed at La Belle Creole, and wonderful resort complex that was destroyed by a hurricane and never reopened. We still like to visit this part of the island. The water has always been clean, clear, smooth and warm.

  • jerryromano



    Always our first stop from the airport for delicious French food, great wines and excellent service. Sitting beachside with nice but not loud music, clean bathrooms and you can let the wine wear off after lunch on the beach chairs.

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