BIRD PARK i Sint Maarten

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Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-580-8516
Latitude: 18.0525594, Longitude: -63.03924
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Kommentar 5

  • Romana Thomas

    Romana Thomas


    The bird park is nice, my daughter went to the bird park she said it was fun , she said it had a museum and a playground

  • binkie van es

    binkie van es


    Right now they are closed after hurricane irma, all the birds are fine at the owners home, rebuilding stated

  • Nasmin Salovic

    Nasmin Salovic


    What an awesome experience the staff was so friendly and knowledgeable they also had all types of plants from the native lands. Me and my wife loved it 20dollars for two people worth every penny

  • Mindy Squeo

    Mindy Squeo


    George was an amazing host, giving us great insight into each type of bird as well as the foliage they grow there, and the artifacts in the heritage museum. We enjoyed nteracting with the beautiful, well cared for birds. Great experience and will definitely visit again!

  • Jen Gaffney

    Jen Gaffney


    This place was fantastic. Both gentlemen working the day I went were very friendly. The birds were not scared of people and quite friendly - I even had up to five or six on me at one time. The different plants were interesting to read about and even the different kinds of birds were different enough to keep you interested. The man who showed us around was very knowledgeable and very straightforward - he taught me about the families of birds and cross breeding as well as about plants in the area and what they all do for you or taste like. I honestly had a great time and if I ever am so lucky as to visit the island again I will definitely come back. Until then - I'll just tell all my friends about the great time I had. Thank you for sharing your beautiful birds with me!

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St. Maarten Heritage Museum

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Route de Quartier d'Orleans Quartier d'Orleans MF 97150, Quartier D'Orléans
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Yoda Guy Movie Exhibit

19A Front Street, ( 866), Philipsburg
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