GULMOHAR'S (Whisky Paradise) i Philipsburg

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76, Voorstraat, Philipsburg, SX Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-542-2956
Latitude: 18.0241298, Longitude: -63.0469603
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Kommentar 3

  • Kyle Sigo

    Kyle Sigo


    Fantastic selection, fair prices, helpful staff. Highly recommended, will visit again.

  • Marie Gilbert

    Marie Gilbert


    Stumbled on this place while wandering around Philipsburg looking for liquor to take home to Canada. Everybody was super friendly and helpful -- mom, dad & son. Very knowledgeable about what they are selling -- not trying to be the biggest seller of the cheap stuff. Some very interesting high-quality products. Ended up with some lovely unique gin and a bottle of Maker's for a friend. Because we bought two bottles, it was delivered directly to our cruise ship at no cost. Gulu - thank you very much for taking the time to chat with us when we were there a week or so ago. Really appreciate it.

  • Brad Van Orden

    Brad Van Orden


    Excellent place to shop for single malt whisky. The owner and his family are extremely friendly and helpful. They discuss your likes and try to help steer you to a good purchase. On top of that, they allow you to sample whatever you would like. Helps tremendously when you have never tried a brand before.

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